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Client Complaints Handling Procedure

Admiral Markets UK LTD Client Complaints Handling Procedure

In the unlikely event that you are dissatisfied with the service provided to you by Admiral Markets UK Ltd, you should contact Compliance as soon as possible on +44 (0)2077264003 or via email to

We aim to investigate and resolve all complaints as quickly as possible. We have a dedicated complaint handling procedure to ensure your complaint is thoroughly investigated and that you receive a fair outcome. A copy of this procedure is available on request.

If you have a trading dispute, please provide as much information as possible. We will require your account number (login in MT) and ticket number of the order in question. Before you go ahead and lodge a dispute, please take a look at our most common mistakes listed below and see if any of them apply to you. Please note all trading disputes must be lodged as soon as reasonably practicable after the grievance has arisen.

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) rules state that we must send a final written response to your complaint within eight weeks of receiving it.

Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)

If the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you will be provided with details of the FOS in our final response. FOS is the official independent expert in settling complaints between consumers and businesses providing financial services. They can be contacted on

All of Admiral Markets UK Ltd.’s retail clients have the right to escalate their complaint to the FOS (you will have been classified as a retail client unless you specifically requested otherwise).

In order to take your complaint to the FOS:

  • You must be an actual customer of Admiral Markets UK Ltd
  • You must have received a final response from Admiral Markets UK Ltd regarding your complaint
  • You must take your complaint to the FOS within six months of the date of the final response

For further information, please visit:

The FOS aims to resolve most disputes within six to nine months but settle a third of cases within three months.

Where the FOS concludes that the consumer was right and requires a business to pay the consumer, there is an upper limit of GBP 355,000 (plus any interest and costs). However, most disputes involve much less than this.